REVIEW: Wynd #3 is another perfect issue in a great series

By Jacob Cordas — There has been a lot of discussion lately about decompression in comics. Stories that used to be told in one page can now take six issues or more to be fully realized. Often left out of this conversation though is the release schedule required of comic books. These longer narratives might as a whole be fantastic but when broken into segments falters heavily. Tom King’s Batman arc “Knightmares” is the pinnacle of this where it works perfectly as a whole but would’ve been excruciating to read bi-monthly. 

Wynd has found a perfect work around by dramatically increasing the length of the issue. This issue could easily be broken into three separate comics over three months. However it would hamper the reader’s enjoyment. By keeping it this length, BOOM! has allowed a unique and daring fantasy story to excel in a way no other comic currently can. 

The first part of the issue centers around an origin myth that lets Michael Dialynas cut loose. It is deceptively simple while providing so much passion and life to this story. The coloring technique and textures change to match the more mythological nature. It reminds me of a Cartoon Saloon film in its design, the highest praise you can give to any fantasy art of this tone. 

The second and third parts are far more plot oriented and I wouldn’t spoil it for anyone by describing the events.  What I will say is it is flawless written by James Tynion IV. The pacing is wonderfully done, accelerating till you just can’t bear it anymore. The characterizations are so strong each moment feels powerful and important. It even ends on the conventional comic cliff hanger while still satisfying all the plot requirements of the issue so far. 

This issue is a testament to what happens when a comic book is allowed to be uniquely itself. No page is wasted. No moment unnecessary. Every moment matters. There is no way to change this to improve it. It is exactly what it should be.*

So much of the time the narrative around comics is how to fit this into a trade, how to tell this story to maximize audience, how to make sure every reader’s wallet is milked till it is lactating dust and Canadian dollar coins. But Wynd #3 proves when creators are allowed to tell stories exactly how they want, we will gladly rush up and support it however we can. 

You don’t need to compress. You don’t need to decompress. You just need to be honest. And Wynd has that in spades. 

*And it features a character being called a bootlicker, something I will always support. 

Overall: Wynd #3 is another perfect issue in a series that can do no wrong. 10/10

REVIEW: Wynd #3

Wynd #3
James Tynion IV
Michael Dialynas 
Aditya Bidikar
BOOM! Studios
Wynd and Oakley have discovered a secret magical society, hidden deep in the tunnels under Pipetown, that may hold the answers they seek. But if the Bandaged Man and his army have their way, no one – not even Wynd – will survive…
Release Date: August 26, 2020
Buy It Digitally:
Wynd #3

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My name is Jacob Cordas (@jacweasel) and I am not qualified to write this.