TRADE REVIEW: UNIVERSE! VOL. 1 by Albert Monteys finds humor in high concepts

By Bruno Savill De JongUniverse! Vol. 1 by Albert Monteys — a new hardcover collection of a series of digital comics originally released via Panel Syndicate features characters who are out-of-sync. Whether it’s an anthropologist communicating with an alien species via pure thought only he can see, or an AI’s emotional programming going haywire, or somebody literally being time-displaced so that they experience things ahead of everyone else. In these comics, Monteys delivers an inventive and hysterical anthology of sci-fi stories that throws readers into bizarre and zany situations, ones that feel oddly relatable despite being slightly out of step.

Indeed, Universe! Vol. 1 by Albert Monteys finds grounded humor in high-concept ideas, peppering each story with snarky comments and usually building to a delicious final-page punchline. There’s a broad satirical edge to these tales, like the first issue having an employee be sent back to the beginning of the universe so he can brand and copyright every “quark and gluon” with a company logo. Universe! follows in the steps of Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by anarchically playing with traditional sci-fi premises. Monteys keeps proceedings rather silly throughout, like showing a sentient AI shopping mall running for mayor, although at times the stories surprisingly dip into more forlorn and gruesome territories. Sometimes Universe! comes close to mismanaging its tone, but Monteys manages to keep it balanced.

Such inventiveness is maintained in the visuals as well, with Monteys bringing a vibrant and cheerful art-style to Universe!. His presentation is large and cartoony, with soft round lines and big boxy panels on square pages. Monteys can go from depicting the psychedelic colors right after the Big Bang, to instruction manuals of how to set up an AI lover (casual conversation starters included separately), to even an alien species transcending flesh to become enlightened.

Extra care and thought are given in Universe!, such as how the long-dead/reanimated CEO Alex Worthom; rather than simply being a zombie, is shown with his head in a fishbowl operated by a crane, which then projects a hologram of his body beneath it. Monteys knows how to emphasize certain storytelling too, whether its making 25 years of hyper-statis flash by in a page, or having one character slowly turn their head. With fun and fascinating concepts executed with gorgeous artwork, Universe! is definitely a collection worth exploring.

Trade Review: Universe! Vol. 1 by Albert Monteys

Universe! Vol. 1 by Albert Monteys
Albert Monteys
Publisher: Image Comics
Price: $29.99
The Eisner-nominated series of self-contained, and somehow connected, sci-fi tales involving alien life, robot love, corporate greed, and travels through time, space, and perception. 
Release Date: January 20, 2021
Read DIgital Comics by Albert Monteys: Albert Monteys on comiXology

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Bruno Savill De Jong is a recent undergraduate of English and freelance writer on films and comics, living in London. His infrequent comics-blog is Panels are Windows and semi-frequent Twitter is BrunoSavillDeJo.