REVIEW: Hellions #1 gives Krakoa a Suicide Squad

By Zack Quaintance — I had been looking forward to the newest X-Men comic — Hellions #1 — since the book was first announced, and in a way, I feel like I’m still looking forward to it. Don’t get me wrong, I read the comic this morning, but Hellions #1 had a lot of setup to do. So much so that it felt like one of those first issues that doesn’t really get our plot moving, instead having a team-building checklist to accomplish before it can introduce storytelling elements like character motivations, dilemmas, threats, and larger goals.

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REVIEW: Ant-Man #1, is Ant-Man a creator’s best friend?

By Zack Quaintance — I’ll just get right to it — I liked Marvel’s new Ant-Man #1 (written by Zeb Wells, illustrated by Dylan Burnett, and colored by Mike Spicer) so much, that upon finishing it, I found myself wondering why Ant-Man was such a lightly-used character. Now, to be fair, I know his powerset is a tough sell. It’s a weird one. He gets smaller or bigger, which maybe doesn’t lend itself to dramatic binds or kinetic illustrations on a comic book page. Oh, and also he can talk to bugs.

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