REVIEW: Horizon - Zero Dawn #1 is light on story, heavy on great art

Horizon: Zero Dawn #1 is out August 5, 2020.

By Larry Jorash — There is a very good chance that a video game release will lead to a corresponding comic book adaptation these days. With the popularity and success of Guerilla Games’, “Horizon Zero Dawn,” and the recent news of a sequel, “Horizon: Forbidden West,” it was only a matter of time before we saw the beautiful landscapes shown on Playstation translated to comics pages in print. 

That brings us to this week’s Horizon: Zero Dawn #1, which begins with a character and plot synopsis. While this comic is a new #1 issue, there is only limited backstory that trickles in from the previous lore. We meet our two protagonists, each a young warrior woman with distinctive, societal axes to grind. An introduction is made to the universe we now inhabit, including tribes, wildlife, and potential dangers. Early dialogue and narration is limited; kicks the door down into a cold open action sequence that seems heavily inspired from Frank Miller’s legendary 300 introduction.

Ann Maulina and Bryan Valenza’s art are saving graces to what ultimately amounts to mediocre storytelling. The constant scenes of post-modern, bronze-age warriors battling robot-dinosaurs has a cool aesthetic; but the narrative does not give much to endear us to any particular character. We find a lack of true morality or characteristics that would fill this void for the reader; thus allowing us to suspend disbelief and fully embrace our new, fictional surroundings. Anne Toole is a hardened veteran in the world of writing for video games but on this project it seems her skillset was much more tailored to the writing within the game itself. We do move successfully across the planes we traverse, but getting there feels more forced than natural. 

Valenza’s color work is definitely the defining feature of this issue. His style is reminiscent of Stefano Guadino’s (DCeased) and pops right off the page. Most of our tale takes place within vast forests, giving color all the more importance amidst various shades of green and brown. 

Lettering is a vastly under-rated feature in comics and so it would be a complete disservice not to also mention the sheer diversity of fonts and styles used in this title. Jim Campbell excels in this regard. This book is worth picking up for the splash pages and stunning visuals.

Horizon: Zero Dawn #1 is a light, fun read taking place within a much broader video-game universe that predates the story told in the comic. Fans of the giant monster-fights-robot genre may find solace here; as well video game players.

Overall: While lacking, the story is simple enough and the pages are splashed full of gorgeous artwork. The extra story art and concept designs from the game itself are also very cool. 6/10

Horizon: Zero Dawn #1

Horizon: Zero Dawn #1 
Anne Toole
Ann Maulina
Bryan Valenza
Jim Campbell
Titan Comics
Horizon Zero Dawn #1 Brand-new comics series based on the award-winning game by Guerrilla. LOY AND TALANAH RETURN IN A NEW STORY SET AFTER THE EVENTS OF THE GAME! Nature has reclaimed the planet. Awe-inspiring machines dominate the land, as humanity fights for survival on this new Earth. Co-created by Writers Guild Award-winner and one of the writers of Horizon Zero Dawn game Anne Toole. 
Release Date: August 5, 2020
Buy It Digitally:
Horizon - Zero Dawn #1

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Larry Jorash resides in Central Florida managing a comic book shop and coaching youth sports. In his spare time he enjoys watching ice hockey and reading. You will almost never find his hand vacant of coffee. Find him on twitter: (@theREALlarbear)