REVIEW: Commanders in Crisis #2, a worthy follow to a spectacular debut issue

By Benjamin Morin — Commanders in Crisis is a series that has started off exceptionally strong. Issue #1 introduced readers to a completely new world, team of heroes, and multiversal apocalypse all in 23 pages. It’s a creative feat that writer Steve Orlando and artist Davide Tinto truly pulled off with spectacular ease. Following such a standout debut comes Commanders in Crisis #2, in an issue filled with character and heart.

When we last left our heroes, they had just discovered the metaphysical concept of empathy had been murdered. What would a world without empathy look like? Well that’s something the Crisis Command are determined to avoid finding out. After taking up the case of finding empathy’s killer, each hero goes about their separate ways of searching for the murderer while also fending off the latest incursions brought on by the blight of the cosmic sepsis.

Here, Orlando strikes an effective balancing act between each of the titular characters. Rarely is there a moment where it feels like one character outshines the rest. While the series’ debut issue very much used Frontier to center the narrative, this issue equally flows between each member of the titular Crisis Command. Orlando’s pacing keeps the story oscillating between each character like a well oiled machine and leads to exceptional character development, particularly with regards to Prizefighter.

Orlando’s captivating narrative is then only brought to life through the fantastic art team. Tinto brings his signature style to the book once again to wonderful effect. His crisp line work gives the book a cinematic quality especially during the action beats. At the same time, Tinto remains able to capture the more emotional beats of the story with expressive faces. All of this is beautifully colored by Francesca Carotenuto, whose color pallet matches the energy depicted in Tinto’s art.

Once again, Commanders in Crisis proves itself to be one of the best independent books currently releasing. From Orlando’s fresh and creative narrative to the energetic art style, the entire book comes together in a unified vision. The only real criticism one could levy against the book could be with its somewhat heavy handed approach to its themes, but this could just as well boil down to personal taste.

Overall: Commanders in Crisis #2 delivers a worthy follow up to its spectacular debut, bringing all the originality and enthusiasm the series has become known for. 8.5/10

REVIEW: Commanders in Crisis #2

Commanders in Crisis #2
Steve Orlando
Artist: Davide Tinto
Colorist: Francesca Carotenuto
Letterer: Fabio Amelia
Image Comics
Price: $3.99
The Crisis Command, last survivors of the multiverse, are faced with an impossible task: avenging the death...of an idea! DOA is EMPATHY ITSELF, and while empathy withers and dies across the world, Originator uses her abilities to bring the John Doe back for 24 hours to reveal the name of his killer!
Release Date: November 18, 2020
Buy It Digitally: Commanders in Crisis #2

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Ben is a comic buff and film fanatic. A journalism major by day and a comic reviewer by night, he ardently consumes all forms of sequential art. On Twitter, he goes by @BiglikeBen.