X-Men Legacy #300 - Classic Comic of the Week

X-Men Legacy #300 was the end of an era. The capstone to the second volume of X-Men that had begun back in 1991 with Chris Claremont and Jim Lee, though it was specifically a celebration of the series when it had the X-Men Legacy moniker. Through “Marvel Legacy math”, this anniversary issue included the 24 issues of the second volume of X-Men Legacy, but not any enumeration from volumes three (the vampires) or four (the all-woman team) of the adjectiveless X-Men series. So it stuck with creators most emblematic of the X-Men Legacy era itself to tell this jam issue.

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The Best Wonder Woman #750 Covers (And Why They’re Cool)

By Zack Quaintance — DC’s latest giant-sized anniversary celebration is upon us, with Wonder Woman getting the treatment this month after it was Superman’s turn two years ago with Action Comics #1000 and Batman’s last year with Detective Comics #1000. We’ll have a full review when the big issues hits tomorrow (and you can read why we’re so hyped about it here), but today, we want to look at one of the major selling points of these big books — the covers.

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