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REVIEW: Sam and His Talking Gun #1

By T.W. Worn — So normally I like to spin a fun yarn of a review when I find something I like. I try to get my reviews to wade into the tone or themes of the comic I have read so that you, The Reader, can get a strong feeling of what I am reviewing. Sam and His Talking Gun #1 is a bit harder to do.

Why? Because the first issue is 90% high octane run-and-gunning and I don't know how to make my reviews feel like that. I mean, I can post my Twitter handle (@TWWORN) and each and every one of you can request that I hunt you down "Most Dangerous Game" style as I scream about the comic, but to be honest I wasted all of my ammunition trying to see if I can shoot perfectly straight up into the sky (spoiler, I can't.) So instead, let's take a nice relaxing walk through this review. 

Sam and His Talking Gun #1 is a comic by Screenrant writer Drew Ferguson, with art by Lee Ferguson (Sympathy For No Devils) The first issue, like many first issues of comics, sets the tone and world pretty well. You get a good glimpse at Sam's history and learn he has a talking gun. Other than that, you get some of the best action sequences I have seen in a while, all while the gun hilariously shouts "Bang" every time it fires. There is a fun and unique charm to this series. A passion that seeps through the pages. I don't know of that to compare it to, but Ferguson has a vision in mind and it is coming through pretty clear. 

The artwork is fantastic. Lee Ferguson is a wonderful artist, and just like his work in Sympathy For No Devils, we once again get some fantastic character design, as well as white knuckle, rootin'-tootin' bad guy shootin' that will hopefully tickle the muscular fancy of any action fan. The set pieces are dynamic and believable. Ferguson has a strong knack for bringing us believable worlds, regardless of how grounded or not they may be. You can also tell how much love is in this project, because both Ferguson and Ferguson are part of a Parent/Child team (of artists, not lawyers) for this series, and their family dynamic helps push this comic to the next level. 

I know this review is small and simple  but Sam and His Talking Gun is a great romp of a comic. I don't know why I enjoyed it as much as I did, and that's okay. We are allowed to enjoy thing and not have to know exactly why! And I know what you are thinking. "T.W. you are a reviewer. It is your job to tell us why you like or dislike something. We come to you for advice and knowledge. You are the epitome of quality taste, and your diverse exploration of the arts has refined your artistic palette to something never before seen! We need your guidance, chosen one, as to which art we should and should not engage with! Help us, for we do not know what good media is! Please, help us!" 

And to that, I answer: shut up. I'm trying to read "Sam and His Talking Gun."

OVERALL: Sam and His Talking Gun is a fantastic and hilarious action romp. I would recommend any fan of run-and-gun action to grab a copy of Issue #1. 7/10

REVIEW: Sam and His Talking Gun #1

Sam and His Talking Gun #1
Drew Ferguson
Lee Ferguson
DC Hopkins
Scout Comics
Sam stands in a room full of bodies, blood, and broken things. There is only one thing on his mind, there is only one thing that matters: Colt. His brother, blood or not. Colt, who put a bullet through the only other person Sam had left. Colt, who broke Sam's mind, and left the shattered pieces in a locked room.
But Sam is back. He has his talking Gun. And no matter the cost, no matter the consequence: Colt has to pay.
Release Date: December 16, 2020
Price: $3.99

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I'm T.W. Worn (@twworn) and bang bang bang bang!

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